April 10, 2024
4 min read

Cost Savings in Procurement: 5 Ways Software Helps Lead the Charge

This article highlights five key ways an efficient procurement system saves time and money.

Every penny saved in procurement makes a significant difference to a company's bottom line. However, traditional procurement processes lag behind modern business demands and hinder cost-saving opportunities.

Fortunately, the emergence of digital procurement systems offers streamlined processes and unlocks avenues for cost reductions.

Let's delve deeper into how online systems pave the way for procurement savings.

Limitations of the Legacy Procurement Process

Traditional purchasing processes frequently suffer from inefficiencies. Manual processing contributes to sluggish procurement cycles, leading to increased administrative overhead. Moreover, limited visibility into spending or supplier performance makes it challenging for organizations to identify areas for optimization.

According to the Apriori survey within the manufacturing sector in 2022, a staggering number of companies heavily relied on outdated methods. Specifically, 70% relied on email, while 52% depended on spreadsheets for their sourcing and purchasing operations. Such practices diminish transparency and collaboration, sometimes leading to logistic challenges.

In recent years, there has been a notable rise in the adoption of eProcurement systems to automate manual tasks. The reason is clear: old-fashioned procurement ways lack seamless acquisition procedures and leave room for unnecessary expenses.

State of Digital Procurement: Market Overview

In the face of extra pressures such as inflation and rising materials costs, cost reduction remains the spearhead of CPOs’ roadmap. As per the KPMG 2023 Global Procurement Survey, 64% of procurement executives prioritize procurement cost savings and cost avoidance in their strategic initiatives.

At the same time, companies recognize investing in online systems as a key strategy to achieve these objectives. The PwC global procurement survey reveals that companies are setting ambitious objectives for 2027, aiming for an average target of 70% digitalization. The primary driver of digital procurement is efficiency gains, directly impacting procurement cost savings.

cost savings in procurement and digitalization

Across sectors, businesses acknowledge the potential of Procure-to-Pay and other tools for cost reduction strategies. For instance, companies within the Building & Infrastructure industry are sharpening their attention to source-to-pay and source-to-contract solutions (as highlighted by the PwC survey). Such a strategic move enhances the contract-related processes and improves financial performance.

Additionally, the PwC research underscores the key tools companies plan to keep investing in, including:

  • Data Analytics
  • Source-to-contract
  • Contract management
  • Risk management
  • Procure-to-pay
  • CO2 emissions monitoring
  • E-invoicing

Notably, Data Analytics and S2C (source-to-contract) emerge as crucial use cases for ensuring procurement performance in terms of process and data.

Benefits of Digital Systems in Reducing Procurement Spend

As companies embrace automation, the benefits of modern procurement systems become increasingly evident. Let's explore how online systems directly contribute to procurement cost reduction.

cost-saving potential of procurement platforms

1. Streamlined Processes

The procurement system acts as your automation assistant, simplifying the entire process. From generating purchase requisitions to executing strategic sourcing, digital tools minimize the need for manual intervention. This streamlines purchasing, reducing the time and effort required for day-to-day activities.

Furthermore, software tools enable better management of procurement teams. They allow procurement professionals to track vital KPIs such as cost avoidance or bid response rates.

This efficiency translates to procurement savings through reduced labor hours and increased productivity.

2. Improved Spend Visibility

Digital systems offer advanced analytics and reporting, revealing insights into spending patterns. They consolidate data from purchase orders, invoices, and contracts for comprehensive, company-wide expenditure reviews. At the same time, real-time visibility into spending across currencies, projects, and vendors allows for better strategic planning.

With a proper spending analysis, companies effectively spot cost-cutting areas and capitalize on cost reduction opportunities like volume discounts or bulk purchasing.

3. Better Supplier Management

Efficient procurement tools include supplier management features crucial for identifying top vendors based on cost, quality, and reliability.

Solutions like Request for Quotations(RFQs) and eAuctions empower organizations to initiate effective bidding processes and negotiate better deals. Such a competitive approach also promotes healthy, transparent relationships with suppliers.

cost savings in procurement with eSourcing tools

Above that, built-in features for supplier performance evaluation mitigate potential risks early on. By monitoring key vendor metrics such as delivery timelines, product quality, or responsiveness companies minimize possible supply chain disruptions.

Overall, with online systems companies establish strategic partnerships that drive value and bring tangible cost savings in the long run.

4. Reduced Maverick Spending

Maverick spending refers to unauthorized or non-compliant purchasing outside of the established procurement process. It poses a significant challenge to organizational finances.

eProcurement systems play a crucial role in reinforcing consistent purchasing procedures and reducing the likelihood of maverick spend. By configuring automated approval workflows, companies gain precise control over purchases, including amounts and terms.

As a result, organizations ensure accountability while safeguarding financial resources.

5. Compliance and Risk Management

The benefits mentioned above collectively aid companies in adhering to regulatory requirements and internal policies.

Thus, with centralized documentation and contract lifecycle management, companies proactively address compliance issues before they escalate.

Through vendor performance tracking, minimized rogue spending, and validated purchases, organizations strengthen their resilience and protect business finances.

These factors altogether mitigate the risk of costly penalties, legal issues, and contribute to procurement cost savings.

Final Words

In summary, relevant software yields cost savings in procurement through increased process efficiency, superior supplier management, and helicopter spend visibility. Moreover, digital systems aid with risk mitigation and decrease instances of maverick spending, further driving cost savings in procurement.

To experience these advantages firsthand, schedule a free demo and explore the capabilities of the Team Procure platform. Boost your efficiency, cut costs, and secure financial stability with Team Procure.

eprocurement system
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